Sunday, July 18, 2010

Virginia Creeper Trail

The Virginia Creeper Trail is an old railroad bed that has been converted to a multiple use trail by the Rails To Trails Association.  It runs 34 miles from White Top Mountain to Abingdon, VA.  We just rode the 17 miles to Damascus, VA.  Most of the trail is down hill along a rushing stream across old railroad tressels. 
Visiting the old town of Abingdon, VA

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our First Crop...

What a surprise discovery!!!  We have our first crop of string beans and we can't wait to have them with dinner tomorrow night.  They are even yummy raw so I'm confident they will really be good when they are cooked.  They were actually very easy to grow.
1st I noticed three beans...

...then with further investigation I ended up with a bowl full!

Our tomatoes are not quite ripe yet,
but soon we will have more than
we can eat.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back On The Trail Again...

Despite the record breaking heat we are still out hiking every week.  It's one way of staying in shape.  I can honestly say that I feel retirement has put me in the best shape every.  Other than a few aches and pains and morning stiffness I feel wonderful.  In fact I feel better when I'm moving than when I just sit around.  So I'll keep hiking those trails!!

A refreshing stream on a hot summer day.
lunch break
Candy with the shimmering stream in
the background

Monday, July 5, 2010

We Have Baby Birds....

We were sitting on the deck one morning and noticed some Eastern Bluebirds flying in and out of the bird house that we have.  Yes, there are really baby birds inside.  We watched for quite a while as mom and dad went in and out of the birdhouse feeding the babies.  We hope we are able to catch the moment when we actually will see the babies fly for the first time.
 They're just the cutest and...
...the best parents!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Celebration

Dressed in our stars and stripes bicycle jerseys we took to the road for a little ride in the hills.  I say hills because we have not ventured up into the mountains as yet.  I'm not into wizzing down those mountain roads on those skinny tires.  I don't know if I ever will.
Even Maggie and Goldie were dressed for the holiday.

Isn't this what ever American dog eats on 4th of July?
Maggie has really learned how to nibble at just the
watermelon and not the rhine! She's so cute to watch.


After our ride we had a covered dish picnic dinner at church and waited for the sun to set so we could enjoy the fireworks display.  Fun was had by all riding Pastor Ben's gator, eating popcorn and socializing.

soon the hazy mountains in the background were....

a blaze with fireworks

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Once a month the local antique car club displays their cars at the square in town.  It's called Crusin On The Square.  Greg loves looking at the old cars.  He really knows his cars, engine types etc...stuff that only a guy would know.
man I wish I had one of these...

...I would be so cool!