Friday, May 21, 2010

A Home For Screech Owls

Greg has researched and talked to different people about building an owl box.  He would like to sit on our deck and hopefully watch the owls come and go and then to watch the fledlings as they emerge from the nest as adults.  He has worked deligently on this owl box for a while. The box has approximately 3 inches of saw dust on the bottom to be used for nesting material.   The hole for the owls to go through is exactly 3 inches.  It was suggested that you put a covering on the outside of the hole to keep squirrels from chewing it and making it larger.  We're anxious to see what happens.  He has been told...if you build it they will come.  The results from having this owl box will be two fold.  Not only will we be entertained watching the owls the owls will keep the rodent population down...mainly squirrels.  They are pesty little critters.

The box needed to be placed 15 feet above the ground

hoisting the box up

supervision from the ground

notice that Greg is safely tied off...

glad that's not me up there

proud of his work

View of the box from our deck.
We do have a good pair of binoculars.


  1. i wish we had 1 too
    love janey

  2. That will be fun to watch from the deck/kitchen.
    Probably get some awesome pictures too!!
    I'm all about anything to keep rodents away...Poppy got another??
