Friday, May 21, 2010

A Home For Screech Owls

Greg has researched and talked to different people about building an owl box.  He would like to sit on our deck and hopefully watch the owls come and go and then to watch the fledlings as they emerge from the nest as adults.  He has worked deligently on this owl box for a while. The box has approximately 3 inches of saw dust on the bottom to be used for nesting material.   The hole for the owls to go through is exactly 3 inches.  It was suggested that you put a covering on the outside of the hole to keep squirrels from chewing it and making it larger.  We're anxious to see what happens.  He has been told...if you build it they will come.  The results from having this owl box will be two fold.  Not only will we be entertained watching the owls the owls will keep the rodent population down...mainly squirrels.  They are pesty little critters.

The box needed to be placed 15 feet above the ground

hoisting the box up

supervision from the ground

notice that Greg is safely tied off...

glad that's not me up there

proud of his work

View of the box from our deck.
We do have a good pair of binoculars.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cherokee Leaf Printing

I learned a new craft at my OASIS classes called Cherokee leaf printing.  Obviously a skill taken from the Cherokee Indians.  It is a process of leaf printing on fabric. The way you do this is tape fresh leaves to fabric and begin pounding with a hammer to release the chlorophyll.  Even if a bit LOUD, it is amazing to watch the transfer of the chlorophyll from the leaves onto the fabric.  The only leaves that do not work well are thick leaves.  Even weed leaves present well.  It is amazing how you can arrange leaves and make a bouquet of "flowers" on your fabric.  I plan to make mine into a pillow.  Now I just need the time to complete this project.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

...A Mother's Day Stroll...

Mother's Day started with early morning chats with Cindy and Mike...that was special.  After church we drove over to the rhododendron gardens to take a stroll.  I never realized that rhododendrons came in so many different colors.  Walking among flowers always evoke such a feeling of peacfulness.  All troubles seem to melt away.  On our way home we stopped for a blizzard from Dairy Queen...a perfect Mother's Day!
My Mother's Garden

A mother is a gardener,
Planting the seeds
Of faith, truth and love
That develop into the fairest flowers
Of character, virtue and happiness
In the lives of her children.
                                    ~ J. Harold Gwynne ~

my favorite

I'll have to research the name of this flower
white iris
flame azelea

Friday, May 7, 2010

...Our Hand At Gardening...

Yes...that's right...we're starting a vegetable garden!  That's one marked off my "bucket list"!  Last year our church had a church wide vegetable garden.  This year they've decided to divide the garden spot into 16x20 foot plots.  Seven people have chosen to become mini farmers and will be responsible for their own crop.  We don't know much about farming, but we're willing to learn. Our group of seven will jointly tend 75 tomato plants and a crop of potatoes of which we'll share the wealth.  Stop by often to see how our garden grows...hopefully!  Think Green

Greg & Barbara pulling weeds to get ready for
the tomato plants

planting tomato plants

our soon to be garden

clearing our garden spot

farmer Greg

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Swinging Bridge

Oh seems like retirement is a just one mini vacation after another.  Every week we explore new locations.  It's so much fun.  Life is so good!
The swinging bridge over the fast moving Taccoa River was a little scary at first.  Yes, it actually does swing and sway a little as you walk across.  The forest service and the ATC had quite an undertaking in building this bridge.  It made getting across this wide river so much easier for hikers.
I'm gradually learning to identify wildflowers in the area.  Lady Slipper...a new one for me.  They are so delicate and dainty...couldn't you just see a fairy princess wearing these!
Lady Slipper

swinging bridge over the Taccoa River


Monday, May 3, 2010

Farm Girl

I finally had the nerve to cut the grass with the riding lawn mower.  It was fun as long as the ground was level! 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Day Of Celebration...

Today was a day to celebrate.  Greg went on his first hike since his open heart surgery three months ago.  We climbed to the top of Blood Mountain...a 6.6 mile round trip with an elevation gain of 1,336 feet.  Greg felt great!!!  We celebrated with a Milky Way after the hike.

the face says it all...

our friend Candy

shout to the mountain tops

a perfect end to a perfect day

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy May Day

It was a sweet and simple day! 
colorful azaleas in the background

a sweet innocent chipmunk

bouquet of flowers from my garden

an assortment of wildflowers from the yard