Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spring Might Be Just Around The Corner

Today was another one of those awesome almost spring days. Clear blue sunny skies with a temperature of 60 degrees.  Everyday I've been looking for signs of spring...are the bulbs popping through the soil...are there buds on the trees...are the dormant plants beginning to show signs of green?  Yes, I did see those signs!
We drove over to Unicoi State Park to a craft show and had lunch at the lodge.  What a great park and it's right in our backyard.  On the way we stopped and picked up two Appalachian Trail thru hikers and took them to the town of Helen.  Our first chance at being "trail angels!"
      new windchime and birdhouse

Spring is peeking...
Day Lilies 

Are there buds up there?                                 

1 comment:

  1. Wish we could see some buds popping out around here!
    Still lots of snow lingering with highs in the 20's coming later this week!:(
