Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Hay Day

We tried a new restaurant today.  We're trying to find a place that makes good pizza.  Disalvo's in FL spoiled us.  This one was pretty good...good enough for a second trip. 
We had our yard irrigated and grass seed put down in hopes of having a nice green yard this summer.  We bought some hay to spread on the sloping areas so the seed wouldn't wash away when it rains.  We were covered with hay.  It was in our pockets, shoes and stuck to our socks.  The girls thought this was a game and were biting and rolling in the hay.
A late lunch made me not want to cook dinner.  It's a good thing that I have a husband that's easy.  We settled for pancakes and strawberries.

~ close up of a cardinal with my new camera ~
I hope my wildlife shots will improve, but I'll need to be much quicker!

1 comment:

  1. We are still looking for a good pizza place up here too...I guess they are harder to come by then you think!:)
    Love what the new camera can do!
