Thursday, September 9, 2010

Take Time To Notice The Little Things...

We took a hike to Ravin Cliff Falls yesterday.  The whole hike was along side a stream.  The 2 and a half mile hike to the falls was done in record time for me.  I guess you could consider it an aerobic workout.  The trouble with walking so fast is that many things go unnoticed.  But I got caught up with the group and was swept along.  I tried to make note of things I wanted to take pictures of because I had already made up my mind that I would have a very lazy walk back out.  Unfortunately I was unable to recall the exact location of that "special scene".  Several times the thought came to I on the right trail...I don't remember this log bridge or this stream crossing.  That was a silly thought because there was only one trail in to the falls.  I had walked so fast going in that I didn't remember these things.  They went unnoticed like I'm sure a lot of those "special things" in nature do when you don't walk slow and take in your surroundings. You're too focused on the end result. 
I wish I could have captured the sound of the rushing was so soothing and relaxing.  I guess you can say I had both an aerobic workout and that "ahh" moment...the time to enjoy nature and God's beauty.

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