Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend Glimpses!!

Bright and early Sunday morning while the dew was still on the ground I set out with Goldie & Maggie to collect some wildflowers from along side the road.  To some people these are weeds, but to me they are wildflowers.  As they is in the eye of the beholder.  With a bouquet in hand we started for home.  I added a few flowers from the yard to add to the arrangement.  This was a beautiful start to a beautiful day.

Picking blueberries was another highlight to the day.  It takes
a lot of little blueberries to fill the basket up.  The sun was warm
on our face, but the breeze helped to keep the temperature
down.  Blueberry fritters topped the afternoon off!

The rest of the weekend was spent decorating for the
4th of July holiday.
 Bow tie American flag quilt that I made several
years ago hangs from the mantel.
***looking forward to another fun filled week***

1 comment:

  1. Flowers look great and so do all of the 4th decorations!!
