Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Successful Trip

It was a beautiful day for a hike.  I really needed to test my knee after my injections and test my new hiking boots for an uncoming backpacking trip with some friends.  I loaded my pack and headed for the trail.  As I hiked I sang my own original song...sung to the tune of Back In The Saddle Again...I'm back on the AT again where the blazes on the trees are my friends;  I trudge up and down 'til the shelter I find...I'm back on the AT again. 
I walked for one and a half hours sat down had lunch and even took a little snooze as the warm sun hit my face.  There were quite a few thru hikers on the trail.  Two in particular were a mother and daughter hoping to make it to Mt. Katahdin .  I'm sorry I didn't get their picture.  Seeing them reminded me about the summers that Cindy & I backpacked for several weeks at a time over a course of several summers.  We had a great time!  She was a real trooper and walked 180 miles on her first trip and then came back for more.
It was a successful knee felt pretty good and the boots gave me no problems.

~ this rock invited me to take a rest ~

~ new boots ~

~ me and my shadow ~

~ outfitter on the trail at Neels Gap ~

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back on the "hiking saddle" again and feeling good!
    LOVE the boot and shadow picture...I NEED a new camera!!!:)
