Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From Rain To Sun

What a differnce a day can make!
Yesterday rain...today sun.
I love the sun coupled with a cool breeze!
Enjoyed a hike in the Fires Creek Recreation Area today.  We
had a visitor on our hike from Germany.  He was quite
impressed with the area we hike in.
Thanks Bob for the treat. Couldn't you
just reach out and eat some?
walking down a country road...
you never know what you'll run into

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chasing Rainbows

What a beautiful sight not far from our home.
I'm always in such awe when I see a rainbow.
Hmmm...do you think there's a pot at the end of
that rainbow?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Visit From Cindy, Dave, Riley, Janey and Aubrey!

We had a great visit during Riley and Janey's spring break from school. 
The weather was...
rainy, cold, windy, snowy, sunny and warm...wow...they had it all.
We did so much during that time.  I hope I can remember everything we did.  Lets see...
we visited fairy houses
went to the park
played in the stream
rang the fire bell
roasted marshmellows
collected rocks, sticks, chestnuts, leaves and moss
made a nature collection
had a campfire
decorated pots
painted birdhouses
ate ice cream cones
made our own fairy houses with rocks & sticks
learned to play the game of chicken feet
visited a waterfall
hiked on the Appalachian Trail
put our feet in a cold stream
Wow...we were really busy.
When it's cold outside you improvise with marshmellows
on a pencil in front of a gas fire!

Janey loved playing the one string plucking stick

sweet Aubrey

a noisy bell

creek by Mimi & Poppy's house

fairy houses

Poppy showed us how to play chicken feet.

roasting marshmellows

so yummy

balancing act

just relaxing

Hike to Helton Creek Falls

Neels Gap on the Appalachian Trail

Janey signing the trail register

evening campfire
The smiles tell it all...we had a lot of fun!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Taking A Hike

We're very fortunate to have found such a great group of people that love to hike.  Seven of us went for a backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail for four days.  We encountered two cold days with some drizzle and two gorgeous sunny days.  I've finally found a group that is passionate about hiking the trail.  They're trying to talk me into a thru hike next year.  Do you think they'll succeed?????
Our group on top of Springer Mountain

Long Creek Falls

thankful for a log to sit on when there is no chair

me and Ginny


hopeful thru hikers

X marks the spot...
interesting lay out of fallen trees


Jim relaxing and drying his tent from the rain the night before

rock art work along the trail

The AT
Remote for detchment,
narrow for chosen company,
winding for leisure,
lonely for contemplation.
The Appalachian Trail beckons not merely north and south,
but upward to the body, mind and soul of man.
Harold Allen

sunny and warm

what a Snickers bar won't do for the body

lonely boots...

Someone took the time to make this house
out of rocks and twigs complete
with stone and stick furniture.

The sky doesn't get any bluer than this.

I guess I'm giving directions!

My home away from home.

Our group got separated so.......

poor Bob was our slave!

Beautiful ending to a great day!


Blood Mountain Shelter
on top of Blood Mountain

admiring the view

Cathy...what a go getter...

Neels Gap...the end of the trail...for now!
All good things must come to an end.
Thanks Greg for picking up the dirty, smelly hikers.